#concept #competition #projection mapping



kulturforum berlin, ber-de

a large-scale public projection on the frontside of the Kulturforum museum in the middle of Berlin, which highlights the importance of bees in our ecosystem.

bee prepared© 2021

 competition ⭢ first place * competition ⭢ first place * competition ⭢ first place * competition ⭢ first place *

jury dr. banz – kgm-berlin, k. krupka – germandesigngraduates, prof. i. hans – udk-berlin, prof. h. weizenegger – fh-potsdam

They live through nature and nature continues to exist thanks to their vital work for both sides. To illustrate this, a lot of plants will reclaim the facades of the Kulturforum Berlin to provide the bees with the vital basis for survival and to expand them.

neo modo di fare/new ways to do something

 competition ⭢ first place * competition ⭢ first place * competition ⭢ first place * competition ⭢ first place *

a large-scale public projection on the frontside of the Kulturforum museum in the middle of Berlin, which highlights the importance of bees in our ecosystem.

bee prepared© 2021

jury dr. banz – kgm-berlin, k. krupka – germandesigngraduates, prof. i. hans – udk-berlin, prof. h. weizenegger – fh-potsdam

They live through nature and nature continues to exist thanks to their vital work for both sides. To illustrate this, a lot of plants will reclaim the facades of the Kulturforum Berlin to provide the bees with the vital basis for survival and to expand them.

kulturforum berlin, ber-de

hbk saar university / industrial design, sb-de

#conception #competition #projection mapping

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